Monsoon brings a plethora of happiness for many but not for all, some people are wary of this season, dreading the bundle of diseases that are showered onto them along with rain.

One of the aftermaths of monsoon is that, it brings many skin and fungal infections due to contaminated water and humid environment that one should be aware of, so prior precautionary hygiene measures can be taken because these infections should never be taken lightly and should be treated right away!

The internet has given you the power to get all the information you want along with possible solutions to your problems, hence do your research right. It can save you pain and money!


People who are prone to skin and fungal infections are adversely affected by humidity, constant sweating and getting in touch with contaminated water after rain, as it can cause many to become a victim to dry, itchy, red and blistered skin signaling them to seek medical help and visit a dermatologist right away. Neglect of skin problems can make you regret it later.

For some, it may be challenging to decipher the signs of infection; hence here is some relevant information about the skin and fungal infections that you may need to know to protect yourself.

If you have any prior experience with skin infections, then you will be prepared already to face the torment of the humid and at times, dry weather that comes with the monsoon. Therefore, reading this whole thing can give you a better insight into the challenges your skin can face and how you can get rid of them. 


It may be difficult for the mind to encapsulate the knowledge about infections, as there are uncountable diseases out there, therefore here is the essential information that you should know before these infectious diseases knock your door!

Skin and fungal infections that you need to look out for:

  • ECZEMA: it is a skin disease that knows no age limit; it affects young and adults alike. Eczema causes the skin to turn dry (skin tends to appear scaly), itchy, red, cracked and even blistered. There are many causes of eczema such as certain foods and environmental factors like humidity, sweating, but it is not contagious. Many affected people outgrow this disease, but others suffer from it throughout their life which is why rain brings doom for them, in any case, medical help is needed. Eczema has to be treated and managed because it can disrupt the whole lifestyle and cause agony to the patients.
  • SCABIES: contamination in the stagnant water is another consequence of rain, and there is no escape to it. Scabies is another monsoon contaminated-water related skin infection caused by parasitic mites. These mites are microscopic but can cause significant symptoms like severe itching (especially at night), rashes, and linear blisters/bumps. The patients need immediate medical help because scabies can cause secondary infections and endanger the lives of people who have any existing chronic illnesses or low immunity.
  • RINGWORMS: as the name suggests in this fungal infection ring-shaped patches (red and circular in nature) appear on body parts with bulk skin creases such as neck, armpits and soles of the feet. Ringworms are contagious and can spread quickly.  This infection appears with similar symptoms like dryness and itchiness and should be treated right away.
  • ATHLETES’ FOOT: this skin infection begins from between the toes and can readily spread to the nails even, if not properly treated and managed. This fungal infection is triggered by the monsoon. The reason is, where you intentionally or not, step into puddles of stagnant and contaminated water resulting in itchy, cracked feet and severely discolored toenails. It is highly contagious, and medical help is mandatory.

People who suffer from skin and fungal infections are usually very well aware of their symptoms and triggering factors. Hence they are already cautious because these infectious diseases can attack at any time. They may take all the precautions in the world but still may not be able to save themselves from these diseases. Therefore, it is best always to prepare yourself beforehand, especially when you know what is in store for you in the upcoming monsoon season.


The information that you gather about monsoon skin infection diseases on the internet is one way to protect yourself, but it is always best to visit your dermatologist and discuss the precautionary measures with them and see that if you have sufficient knowledge or not. 

Dr Khilji Faisal Arif at The Skin Clinic (located at Zamzama- Karachi) guides the patients to prepare themselves so that they are always ready to fight the skin diseases whenever they are attacked by it. Visit the clinic and learn all the necessary precautionary measures to save yourself from the torment of monsoon skin infections.


It will be an act of utter foolishness to take the monsoon skin and fungal infections lightly when you know that they will come through your door. To save your body from the erratic weather changes during monsoon; that is sometimes dry and sometimes wet; enlisted are some precautions that you can take and enjoy the beautiful weather without fear of getting infected.

  • TRY TO STAY INDOORS: people who are prone to infectious diseases have highly sensitive skin; therefore, they should avoid getting wet in the rain and saving their feet from getting into stagnant puddles to stay away from infections like eczema and Athlete’s foot. It is best to enjoy the rainy weather while staying indoors.
  • WEAR LOOSE AND BREATHABLE CLOTHES: monsoon can cause arid and humid conditions of which sweating is a setback. Hence it is best to wear clean, comfortable loose clothes with soft fabric, so when the sweaty skin comes in contact with the clothes, it does not cause any skin and fungal infection, also it helps in avoiding ringworm infections.
  • KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN:  cleanliness of body and its health are directly proportional to each other. It is highly advisable to keep washing the body especially the exposed parts such as the face, hands, feet, the spaces between the fingers and toes with soap, dry them thoroughly to avoid any contamination and fungal infection. It helps fight athlete’s foot.
  • DO NOT SHARE YOUR CLOTHING OR BEDDING STUFF: skin and fungal infections like ringworm, Athlete’s foot and scabies are highly contagious. Avoid sharing clothes, socks, shoes, towels, linen and pillow covers to stop the spread of infectious diseases. If you suffer from Athlete’s food, do not share the nail clippers and never step out of the house barefoot.
  • USE HEAT TO KILL THOSE PARASITES: many dermatologists like Dr Khilji Faisal Arif advise to wash the clothes and bedding stuff in hot water or treat them with heat. Many of the parasitic mites such as ringworm or in scabies cannot stand high temperatures and die when exposed to them.
  • GET RID OF THE STAGNANT WATER: when it rains, puddles of water and damp areas are formed which get contaminated, giving birth to a zillion infections. Drain the water as soon as it starts to collect, avoid stepping into it or directly touching it.
  • KEEP THE BODY MOISTURIZED: skin infection diseases like eczema results in dehydrated, scaly skin, therefore keep the body moisturized 24/7, lotions are way better than creams.
  • SEEK MEDICAL HELP: even with all the precautions, it is vital to visit your dermatologist and seek their guidance. They may prescribe some anti-fungal powders to dust between the toes after cleaning the area to avoid Athlete’s foot, or an anti-fungal lotion to keep the body moisturized keep itchiness in eczema, scabies and ringworm infections away.

The knowledge is useless if you do not apply it practically. Therefore prepare the ground (your body in this case) on all fronts for the battle before the enemy attacks!


Equipping the mind with knowledge is a wise decision, but when it comes to health and diseases do not believe everything you read, doctors are there for a reason. It is best to visit your dermatologist and check that if your knowledge is authentic, such that you can treat the monsoon skin infection diseases accordingly. Dr Khilji Faisal Arif supports the patients in managing their skin diseases at home with genuine guidance. 

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