Rejuvenate Your Skin With PRP (Platelet-rich plasma)


Platelet-rich plasma PRP treatment is a form of regenerative medicine to boost the system and enhance the natural growth factors that the body uses to heal the tissues.  

In recent years, Dermatologists have started practicing Platelet-rich plasma PRP therapy as a cosmetic procedure for the facelift called the vampire facial to forestall aging, like wrinkles and to treat hair loss called androgenic alopecia, also identified as male or female pattern baldness. Platelet-rich plasma PRP Facial makes the skin look and feel its best naturally, with no risk of allergic or infection. 

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a sophisticated anti-aging and healing treatment.  A little portion of your blood is taken and place within the centrifuge, causing the blood components to separate. This separation process takes 15 minutes.  A technician takes the separated plasma (rich in growth factor) and adds a vital serum and prepares it for injecting into the area realm of face or body in need of rejuvenation. 

This stimulation aids in overall firming and toning of the skin, leading to a younger and rejuvenated appearance. It is famously called the “Vampire Facelift”. This treatment dropped at fame by Kim Kardashians. More celebrities also endorsed “Vampire facelift” and boosted the Global demand for PRP skin rejuvenation.    

PRP facial, being completely natural, extremely safe, and highly effective in improving the appearance of

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Scarring
  • Sun Damage and Dull
  • Worn- out looking Skin

It can also be used to rejuvenate the eyes, face, neck, back of hands, Scalp and other body areas.

Platelet-rich plasma PRP therapy also makes the scalp healthy and boosts hair growth and prevents hair loss. However, people undertaking PRP treatment for hair loss may experience following mild side effects.

  • Mild pain at the injection site
  • Scalp tenderness
  • Swelling for a while
  • Itching
  • Temporary slight bleeding at the injection site. 

Also, after the facial treatment, people may experience mild side effects

  • Redness
  • Temporary slight bleeding at the injection site.
  • Swelling for a while
  • Mild pain at the injection site for a while.

The pain gradually diminishes as the injured tissue repairs and pain-relieving factors activated. This healing and rejuvenation process may take a few weeks or months. Maximum effects are usually seen at 6 to 8 months. Every individual’s skin requires different consultations and sittings of PRP Treatment. Take the best advice from Dr. Khilji Faisal Arif dermatologist before the treatment and after the treatment for long-lasting and better results.

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