Top Myth About Skin Care Routine


Every day at Dr. Khilji Faisal Arif’s The Skin Clinic comes one or two patients with a burned or damaged skin due to the misconception about skincare either they are reading on the internet or they are hearing from previous generations. Dr. Khilji Faisal Arif decided to debunk the most common myth about skincare routine. 

  • You don’t need sunscreen on a cloudy day.

This is the biggest mistakes we do. Even on a cloudy day, UV radiation from the sun reaches the earth surface. Sunscreen should be applied to the skin every day and reapply after every two hours. There are three kinds of Ultraviolet (UV) rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays penetrate the skin deeply and altering pigmentation to produce a tan.UVB rays damage the skin’s DNA and cause photoaging, changes pigment, and carcinomas (cancerous tumors). UVC rays are absorbed by the atmosphere and don’t make it to the ground.

The SPF on a sunscreen refers to the amount of protection the product offers UVB rays. Always look for a sunscreen with broad-spectrum, which means protection from both UVB and UVA rays.

  • Washing your face with hot will open the pores of the face.

Pores are not temperature sensitive. Hot water can make the outer layers of skin swell, which makes pores look more “open” but they don’t open and close based on temperature. when washing your face, water should be kept at a lukewarm temperature.

  • You don’t’ need to use anti-aging products until you are in your 30’s.

As early as age 21 you start using anti-aging products, particularly with antioxidants, the better your skin elasticity. However, it is really important to use anti-aging products that are appropriate for your skin type. Products with potent active ingredients such as retinol can begin added your routine in your mid to late ’20s. 

  • Your skin can become immune to skincare ingredients if you always use the same products.

This is a common myth and mistake people do in their daily routine life. It is very uncommon for your skin to get used to the benefits effects of skincare products. When active ingredient in your products is giving you the desired result unless the condition you are treating changes. When your skin won’t get used to certain products necessarily, it can get familiar to and eventually accommodate some of the potentially irritating ingredients, like glycolic acid and retinol.

  1. Toothpaste helps to treat pimple spots.

This is the most terrible thing to do with your skin. Toothpaste will irritate and burn the skin, the burning spot may appear too. The pimple will probably disappear too along with the irritation, but toothpaste is in no way a primary treatment for acne. Certain ingredients found in toothpaste, such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, menthol, and triclosan have drying properties. However, there are no ingredients in toothpaste that makes this method more effective than conventional treatment. Please give up this toothpaste treatment.

  • You get acne because you don’t wash your face.

It is a popular myth. Acne has nothing to do with washing face frequently or correctly. In fact, washing face too much can lead to dryness, sensitivity, and irritation. Over-washing can strip away the skin’s natural oils. In order for acne to develop four factors play a major role. Clogged pores (from shedding keratin/skin cell), the buildup of sebum, hormonal imbalance, bacteria, and inflammation.

  1. People with dry skin age faster.

Aging has nothing to do with the skin type. The main reason for aging skin is predominantly sun exposure, smoking, drinking alcohol and pollution. Lack of water, rich antioxidant fruits, and vegetables. With time, such exposure breaks down collagen fiber which keeps the skin looking youthful and plump.

  • You don’t need a moisturizer if you have oily skin.

This is the biggest myth. Those who have oily skin are actually the one need moisturizer the most. If your skin is oily all the time, then your skin may be working overtime to produce oils because you lack moisture.

Gel-based hydra boost is light for daytime use and Rejuvenate night moisturizer cream are powerful enough to hydrate your skin overnight. Start using them, your skin will start looking balance in no time. To know about the exact products, take advice from the dermatologist, Dr. Khilji Faisal Arif.

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