Skin Care and Summer – The Dos and Don’ts!

This summer, give your skin a little love.

In a country like Pakistan, where the summers are unforgivingly hot and humid, your skin can lose its glow and beauty in no time. With constant perspiration, acne breakdown is widespread with oily skin and clogged pores.

With all the sweat on the face, people get skeptical about applying sunscreens, moisturizers, and other creams they fear may turn their skin more oily. However, this is not true. Summertime does not only call for ice creams and picnics but a proper skincare routine too.

The first question you should ask yourself at the advent of summer is, how to keep the skin hydrated in heat of the season.

The answer is simple. You need to set up a proper skincare routine to follow, such as drink an adequate amount of water and follow a healthy diet because healthy skin reflects overall wellness; moisturize, cleanse and exfoliate the skin regularly. Never step out in the sun without sunscreen; apply hydrating sheets and masks on the skin; use a toner after waking up and before going to sleep to eliminate all the oil that may clog the pores and lastly, get some dermatological help; because skincare is the best gift you can give to yourself this summer!

Apart from the daily skincare at home, skin treatment procedures shall be beneficial for glowing and healthy skin. Dermatologists and cosmetologists worldwide suggest people get their skin treated for thorough cleansing and exfoliation of the skin layers to get rid of the dead cells and clogged pores. Hydra facial and the BB glow are the new rising stars in the skincare regimens, making people look years younger with rejuvenated skin.

Here is a little sneak peek at what these procedures do to your skin.

Hydra facial: The new rising star in the dermatological world is a multi-step medical skin treatment that hydrates your skin and clears out the clogged pores. Only certified dermatologists and cosmetologists can perform it at their clinics, requiring special equipment and techniques.

With the plethora of benefits, hydra facial leaves your skin healthier and hydrated, freezing your aging and summer problems.  It treats acne, pigmentation, uneven skin tone, sunburn, fine lines, wrinkles, blackheads, helps open the clogged pores, gives the skin an everlasting glow, provides hydration via deep cleansing the skin.

Hydra facial is a multi-step procedure, and many need to be repeated a couple of times for life-long results.  Your dermatologists will first moisturize the skin, then follows a series of exfoliation, red light therapy, suction, electric scrape, ultrasonic therapy, radiofrequency, serum infusion, cool hammer, LED mask with state-of-the-art results.

BB Glow: If you want your skin to go flawless, then BB glow is your go-to. It is a procedure that uses micro-needling to incorporate the BB cream into your skin layers to hide all the blemishes, dark spots, and flaws. It is a no-make-up-yet-natural-make-up-look!

Some of the perquisites of getting it done are radiant complexion, anti-aging goodness, plump and toned skin, reduction in blemishes and dark spots, hydrated skin, reduce Rosacea, and lightening the dark circles.

Although a certified expert can only perform it, the procedure is simple because you cannot put your skin, the most valuable asset, in untrained hands! Following a thorough moisturizing session, it includes red light therapy, BB serum micro-needling, blush serum micro-needling, stem cell serum micro-needling, and lastly, an LED glow mask, leaving your skin hydrated and years younger!

Although these skincare procedures may cost you money but remember spending money on your skin is not an expense, it a life-long investment with lucrative results.  With a proper skincare regime, flaunt your hydrated and flawless skin this summer!

For more queries, call us at 0300-8269695 or visit us at Dr. Khilji Faisal Arif- The Skin Clinic at 10-C, 1st-floor Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5 DHA to freeze your skin in the youthful, flawless mode forever!

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