What are the most Common Skin Problems Occurring During Breast Cancer Treatment



Health is a blessing, and not many acknowledge it; people take their lives for granted until the body shows signs of giving up. But, it is not always due to the person’s ignorance that the disease remains undiagnosed, sometimes the disease itself is painless in the initial stages and discovered only when it has caused mayhem inside the body; one of them being Breast Cancer.

Diagnosing and treating the breast cancer can save a person’s life but during the treatment, other problems may arise as a side effect of the drugs and therapies applied, which one should be aware of, such as skin problems.


After skin cancer, breast cancer is the second most common and prevalent kind of cancers amongst women, although it can occur in men too, the cases reported have been far less. In the past, many women were not aware of it and considered the changes normal due to ageing or postpartum, but now people are getting more aware it, and are being educated about breast cancer, because if not caught and treated at the right time; it can be life-threatening. Even during the treatment, the patients complain of facing skin problems and many other issues for which they are treated, managed and counselled alike.

The increase in awareness and advanced approaches by oncologists have managed to decline the death rate associated with breast cancer, as people now know that they need to rush to the doctor when they notice peculiar changes in the breast. Hence, oncologists have collaborated with dermatologists like Dr Khilji Faisal Arif who have explained and treated many common skin problems arising during the breast cancer treatment. 

The most common question amongst women and men is what the risk factors and causes are leading to breast cancer?

People tend to get curious about the causes to prevent themselves from the diseases, which in many cases like in breast cancer is not valid. People with or without the risk factors can still be a victim to breast cancer, but all in all, it is best to know the causes to maintain a healthy lifestyle at least.

Risk factors and causes:

  • Obesity
  • Being a woman
  • Inheritance
  • Having menstrual problems
  • Infertility
  • Ageing 
  • Pregnancy in an older age
  • A family history
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Environmental factors
  • Being a smoker
  • Being exposed to secondhand smoke
  • Being an alcoholic

All the mentioned factors can contribute to breast cancer; as deadly as the word cancer sounds, there are high chances of survival when diagnosed early.


People get cautious even if a harmless, tiny pimple appears on their skin then why should they not acknowledge the signs and symptoms of something that can be fatal. Therefore, it is mandatory that you should look out for the given indications and if you qualify for any of them, rush to the hospital, because they are pointing towards breast cancer.

  • If a lump appears under the arms or any area surrounding the breasts
  • The sudden appearance of newly inverted nipples
  • Pain in the breasts
  • Change in the colour, shape or size of the breasts
  • Problems appearing on the skin over the breasts like redness, pitting, cracking, peeling, flaking or pigmentation of the skin


 Medical science has come a long way in regards to technology and advancement. Treatments options that were only thought off in the past are now possible and available, then why not take their advantage to get your health back.

Breast cancer treatment involves the use of drugs, chemotherapy and radiation, all of which has side effects, but the one that raises concerns in many patients is related to the skin problems arising during the treatment. Breast cancer patients are already upset and maybe on the verge of losing all hopes, hence it is best to counsel them before beginning with the treatment to prepare them of the challenges they may face mentally and emotionally.

The Skin Clinic located at Zamzama- Karachi has faced an increased an influx of breast cancer patient, and Dr Khilji Faisal Arif is very actively playing a role in treating and managing the skin problems related to breast cancer treatment.


Skin is a sensitive organ and cannot stand the harshness imposed by radiations and chemotherapies hence it reacts to it. During breast cancer treatment, skin problems arise which has to be managed; otherwise, it can take a severe toll on the patient’s physical and mental well-being.

Novel changes can occur in the skin and nails during the course of treatment;

  • Photosensitivity: this occurs as a side effect of chemotherapy in which the skin develops a rash, redness and itch, it may become dry and start to peel. Skin becomes prone to inflammation and sunburn. 
  • Pruritus: radiation therapy adversely affects the skin in such a way that it becomes dry, sensitive, itchy, swollen and puffy. 
  • Moist reaction: as the skin becomes sensitive, radiation therapy during breast cancer treatment can cause sores on the skin that are painful, wet and may even get infected.
  • Skin pigmentation: it is highly likely that the skin colour changes over the course of treatment; It tends to become red, dull or even pigmentated.
  • Allergic response: hives, rash or burning sensation may develop as a response to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Nails become dry, dull, infected and cracked; the cuticles may also start to hurt.
  • The skin also reacts adversely to immunotherapy, targeted therapy and stem cells transplants resulting in dryness, rash and blisters.

Most people are more concerned about the side effects of treatment and their appearance than the treatment itself; they become skeptical. But health is everything, you need to get rid of breast cancer first, and then the side effects can be managed too.


Although the skin problems can be agonizing for the already distressed cancer patient, they can still be managed and treated by the dermatologists resulting in decreased discomfort.

Ways to manage skin problems during the treatment:

  • Protect your skin: keep the skin clean and dry to prevent infection. Avoid the urge to scratch the skin when it gets itchy. Never touch or pop the blisters as that can lead to a skin infection.
  • Moisturize the skin: skin tends to get extremely dry and start to peel, after cleaning the skin apply the prescribed moisturizers generously.
  • Please do not use anything without prescription: you are already undergoing high-risk treatment, never apply anything on the skin before getting it checked and prescribed by your dermatologist.
  • Listen to your doctor: we know you are going through a lot, and life is challenging, but your doctors want the best for you. To recover and get healthy again listen to what your doctors have to say to you, follow their instructions, never delay your appointments, get your queries answered. Get the recommended medical treatment at the right time.


Right decisions at the right time can save your life. We do not mean to scare you, but breast cancer is scary, and the treatment can be a torment if delayed. Your health matters, positivity in your mind can help you beat the breast cancer and overcome all the skin problems occurring during the breast cancer treatment.

Everyone wants to be healthy and look pretty at the same time, so get the guidance of your doctor and reach out to your dermatologists whenever you feel like you need to! Listen to your doctor because we want you to get better.

Dr Khilji Faisal Arif wishes all the breast cancer patients a happy, healthy life with a rejuvenating skin! 


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