Importance of Exercise and Skin Oxidants for Healthy Skin

Importance of Exercise and Skin Oxidants for Healthy Skin

Did you know that the combination of a right workout and skin oxidants can do wonders for your skin? If you did not, continue reading to understand how both exercise and skin oxidants help in achieving flawless and glowing skin which would leave everyone in awe.

How Do Skin Oxidants Work

Undoubtedly, this is currently the most trending topic in the field of health and dermatology. Do you know why they are so important? Antioxidants are substances that aid the protection of skin cells by combating free radicals which can potentially damage our skin. Air pollution, radiations, and toxins are the main sources of these radicals. Fighting visible signs of aging, antioxidants help in skin rejuvenation, moisture retention, and skin revitalization. Having anti-inflammatory property, they protect us from skin burn and prevent damage from UV radiation. Moreover, they boost collagen formation and help in maintaining the youthful glow. Is there someone who does not want to look young? We bet there is not.

Sources of Antioxidants

Antioxidants can be acquired from a number of sources. From efficacious foods to off-the-shelf products, the list goes long. Vitamin C is one of the most eminent antioxidants and can help in skin rejuvenation and collagen production. Berries, grapes, nuts, spinach and green tea are some foods which are abundant in skin oxidants.

Exercise Your Way to a Healthy Glowing Skin

Have you seen people right after their gym session or pilates class? Did you ever notice how their skin has a subtle natural glow? That is because exercise aids sebum production. Sebum is called our skin’s natural moisturizer and helps in maintaining our skin’s health. Sweat removes toxins and helps in unclogging skin pores and removing dirt from beneath the skin. No wonder people say that a good workout is like treating yourself with a mini facial.

Moreover, exercise helps in blood circulation, which in turn helps in the process of achieving youthful skin. Not only that, but exercise is a stress reliever. We all know the damage stress can do to our skin right? Alleviating stress by releasing endorphins, a healthy daily workout can improve skin radiance and lift your mood at the same time. Isn’t this a win-win situation?

How Much Exercise Do You Need?

According to the findings of multiple surveys, exercising helps skin in self-repair. A good workout leads to perspiration and that works wonders for our skin. The level and duration of exercise depend upon your stamina. Usually, a thirty-minute workout is recommended. However, if you cannot survive that long, start at your own and then gradually build your stamina. The focal point is: continue working out and you will see the results.

However, there is one important point. Never leave the toxins sitting on the surface of your skin. It is extremely important to wash your face or take a shower after you exercise. You definitely do not want the toxins to seep back into your skin and clog your pores again.


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